There are many reasons to use alternative energy sources.
One reason is to reduce pollutants and greenhouse gases.
Alternative or renewable energy sources help to reduce the
amount of toxins that are a result of traditional energy use.
These alternative energy sources help protect against the
harmful by-products of energy use and help to preserve
many of the natural resources that we currently use as
energy sources.
There are many alternative energy sources: wind power,
solar power, geothermal power, and hydroelectric power are
some examples.
Wind Power.
Wind power is the ability to capture the wind
in a way to propel the blades of wind turbines. When the
blades rotate, this movement is
switched into electrical current with
the help of an electrical generator.
In older windmills, wind energy
turned mechanical machinery to do
the physical work like crushing grain to make bread or
pumping water to get water. Wind towers are built on wind
farms, and usually there are several towers built together. In
2005, the worldwide use of wind-powered generators was less than 1% of all of the electricity use combined. There
are several advantages of this energy source: there is no
pollution, it never runs out, farming and grazing can still take
place on the same land as the wind turbines, and wind farms
can be built anywhere. One disadvantage is that you need a
consistent wind to get enough power. If the wind speed
decreases, less electricity is produced. Large wind farms
can also have a negative visual effect for people who live
Solar Power.
Solar energy is used for heating, cooking,
making electricity, and even taking salt out of saltwater so
the water can be drinkable and used for additional purposes
that do not need the salt. Solar power uses sunlight that hits
the solar thermal panels to convert the
sunlight to heat either air or water.
Other methods of using solar power
include simply opening up blinds or shades and letting the
sunlight pass into the room or using some type of mirror to heat water and produce steam. One advantage of solar
power is that it is renewable. As long as there is sunlight,
you will be able to harness the power from it. There is also
no pollution and it can be used efficiently to heat and light
things. You can see the benefits of solar energy in heating
swimming pools, spas, and water tanks in many cities across
the country.
Geothermal Energy.
Geothermal means “earth heat”. This
energy captures the heat energy under the Earth. Hot rocks
under the ground help to heat water to produce steam. If
holes are dug in this area of the ground, then the steam
shoots up and is purified
and used to drive turbines,
which in turn gives power
to electric generators. The
advantages of this type of energy is that there are no harmful
by-products, it is self-sufficient once the geothermal plant is built, and the plants are generally small so there is no
negative visual effect on the area surrounding the plant.
Hydroelectric Energy. The power that comes from the
potential energy of water that is dammed up supplies energy
to a water turbine and generator. Another
example of this energy is to make
use of tidal power. Today, electric
generators can be powered by hydro
power that can run backwards as a motor
to pump water for later use. An advantage is that you can
control the use of the energy by controlling the water. You
can also generate water all the time as there are no outside
forces that prevent this from happening. Furthermore, there
is no pollution in using this type of energy. In fact, you can
reuse the water that is used for hydroelectric power. The
disadvantages are that dams are expensive to build and
maintain. There also needs to be a powerful enough supply
of water in the area to produce energy.
In Conclusion. In your lifetime, there will be more advances
made in the field of energy. Your generation will need to
value the natural resources that human life needs on this
earth. You will need to be part of the ongoing and individual
application of alternative energy sources so the Earth stays
healthy and our resources stay renewed.
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